
Can't be heard, even with a microphone? Losing your voice?

Can't be heard, even with a microphone? Losing your voice?

People having a hard time hearing a speaker even when they are using a microphone.  Differentiating between projection, power, and volume.

Vocal Strain, how to solve it. Racing and speaking too quickly. Concerns for public speakers who are straining their voices repeatedly or who are hard to hear even with a microphone.

Teddy Bear Problems: Mumbling and Hiding

Teddy Bear Problems:  Mumbling and Hiding

Men who shoot up rapidly ahead of their peers in their teens, often end up almost scaring themselves with their new, HUGE voice.

...Teddy Bears are often very kind people, who just really, didn't want to hurt their tiny little friends in their teens.  The vocal habits of a Teddy Bear often include mumbling, being hard to hear, slurred speech, or timid speaking styles.

There is a way to embrace the full resonance of your voice, and your presence, and use your full height...